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Prof.  Nanguang  Chen
National University of Singapore,  Singapore

Title: Novel techniques for multi-dimensional imaging of biological samples in vivo


Focal Modulation microscopy (FMM) is an emerging technique for molecular imaging in deep tissues.  By combining spatial filtering with focal modulation, we are able to drastically improve the signal-to-background ratio. As a result, a penetration depth three times greater than confocal microscopy can be achieved. Recently we have been working on further improving FMM in terms of image acquisition speed. We have developed line scan focal modulated microscopy, a proprietary technique highly suitable for in vivo imaging of small animal models such as zebrafish and mouse. It features parallel illumination and parallel detection, leading to much improved imaging speed. A prototype line scan FMM has been built and we have demonstrated an imaging speed of 100 frames per second without compromising optical sectioning. In vivo imaging of the zebrafish heart has been carried out and high-quality multi-dimensional images have been reconstructed.



Dr. Nanguang Chen is currently an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2000 from Tsinghua University. He also received his MSc in Physics and BSc in Electrical Engineering in 1994 (Peking University), and 1988 (Hunan University), respectively. He joined the Optical and Ultrasound Imaging Lab at the University of Connecticut in 2000 as a postdoctoral fellow and then became an Assistant Research Professor in 2002. Since 2004, he has been a faculty member with NUS. His research interests include diffuse optical tomography, optical coherence tomography, and novel microscopic imaging methods.


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